Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ravens to the Christmas Party?

The other day I went to a Christmas party about three miles down the hill.  The ravens were sitting in the redwood trees by the stairs when I went outside to get into my car.  The ravens took flight when I started down the driveway in the car.  I couldn't tell if they were following me, as I believe they were flying overhead.  When I got to the location of the party,  I parked the car and got out and looked up into the sky.  There were two ravens.  They were flying and gliding and swooping and having a great time.  Was it Bold and Shy?  Who can tell.
It has been raining for several days.  The ravens don't like rain much.  They look very disgruntled when they arrive in the morning.  Yesterday they were actually late in coming as it was raining very hard.  For a treat they got roast beef slices since they looked so bedraggled.  They liked the beef and hung around hoping for more.  I have found a way to signal that the raven restaurant is closed for the day.  I put out some dog food kibbles on the deck railing.  That tells them, this is all that is left in the larder for the day.  They don't like the kibbles so much but will deign to accept them if nothing else is forth coming. 
I have read that ravens like shiny objects.  Since this is the season of shiny objects, I think I will put one out each day and see if the ravens bother with them.   Could be a fun experiment.

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