Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Raven Calling

Since there has been so much coming and going around here- the ravens do not come as close to the house as they used to.  They alight in the trees at the end of the path where I place their two eggs each morning.  We have a new system of communication these days.  They call when they arrive in the trees.  I go outside and call back.  I can't imitate the knocking  or the cooing sounds but I can give the raucous call!  So I call back and then they call back.  It really is quite entertaining and I expect anyone watching or listening would wonder about my sanity.  Of course- do I CARE?  NO!
I haven't been putting out meat scraps lately for the ravens because this attracts the buzzards.  Now I know buzzards have to eat- but they can go eat squirrel down on the road.  So raven has been getting chicken eggs and Old Roy dog food pellets which they like as do the blue jays.
Today there are many California quail and American gold finches feeding on their preferred seeds.  The chesnut backed chickadees are at the suet feeder.  Everyone is happy since we got in a big load of bird seed.  Our normal supplier is not carrying big bags of bird seed anymore so we had to go over to Sonoma County to buy bird seed- now that is dedication of our part!  I am happy to see so many varieties of birds and they are happy to have the food source.
I have noticed the ravens being pursued by the big hawk again.  I wonder if they are trying to steal the eggs out of the hawk's nest.  This seems foolhardy to me as the hawk is bigger than they are.  Raven has no fear perhaps?
Last evening the fox came by the door at 5 PM in the daylight.  Fox usually comes at dusk.  He always walks on the railing where I used to put the raven food.  He remembers there used to be food there.  He frequently leaves his calling card- what is up with that?    He is not afraid of me at all and doesn't pay any attention to me as he looks for a mouse or vole in the garden areas.  He is quite large from nose to tail so I expect he is a red fox rather than the endangered kit fox.  He has a sharp face and a terrific nose.  I wonder where he stays during the day.  There are plenty of hidey holes in the woods around here.  We all need a hidey hole now and then to feel safe.
I just got a new book- CORVUS- A Life with Birds by Esther Woolfson.  It is a great read about a woman who lives with corvids- I wish I had a corvid all my own!  It is illegal here in California to have a wild bird in your possession unless you have a permit from Fish and Game.  I don't think I will be doing that so I will just enjoy my wild friends and practice my Raven Calling!


  1. Lucky! I'd love to see a fox.
    My inside cats have been outside much more because of a new door this year and I've been dealing with them bring in voles, lizards, and a bat (found dead on the floor the next morning, poor thing.) Honestly. One of my cats kills, the other just thinks about it. She was the one who brought in the lizard but she didn't even break the skin on it and I could pick it up and set it free outside quite happily. On eo f the only things they haven't brought in yet is a snake so I'm on pins and needles waiting for that. I do hope they stay away from the birds. I'm afraid to put bells on them because they're in the middle of the food chain and there are lots of coyotes and raccoons and such around. I've had a bear in the back twice this year, a big one the other day that I got some good pictures of and who exuded peacefulness.

    I'm so enjoying reading about all of your birds. I love them too.

  2. Yes isn't wildlife grand. My cat is old so he doesn't catch many things anymore. When he was young he used to sit under the bird bath and just stick his paw up casually and get a little bird. I moved the bird bath because he was getting these birds without much effort. We have coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, foxes and mountain lions around so my old cat does not go out unsupervised. We have lost two cats in the past so I am not taking any chances. I would like to see a bear. A grape grower shot a bear and cub a couple years ago because he said it was eating his grapes. It caused a hell of a stink in Napa Valley. The guy had to sell out and move. I am happy to get your comments. I don't want any snakes in the house either. I don't see snakes very often- in 14 years I have seen a king snake, a ring necked snake, a goupher snake and a western rattler- 4 in all. When I saw the king snake at first I thought someone had thrown a section of white telephone card outside, until it MOVED! He was scared of me.

  3. that should be telephone cord not card

  4. Well I'll definitely remember to be happy that we jsut get harmless garter snakes here when the troublemaker cats eventually bring one home to play. The worst these snakes do is pee a very stinky pee on your hand if they're frightened, and who can blame them for that? I'm sure I`d be tempted to do the same.

    It`s gone cool and wet here again so the cats haven`t been able to go out and find their friends. I`m glad for the breather.

    The raven hs flown past a few times and `gronked` at me so i guess that`s my orders to get up and on with my day!
