Monday, April 12, 2010

What is with this WEATHER?

It has been raining for days.  I just looked out because the rain on the roof sounded so loud- it is HAILING!!  Hailing in April?  The ravens DO NOT LIKE RAIN.  I have seen very little of them lately since it is raining all the time.  They do come and get the food I put out but I normally do not see them.  They come, get the food and leave.  It is not like a sunny day when I am in the garden.  On days like that they hang around in the trees overhead to see what I am doing.  Last night just before dusk I saw Bold flying by my window.  He was trying to get my attention.  He seemed very agitated.  I went out and put a piece of chicken on the railing.  He came down right away, ignoring me.  He appeared frantic for food.  I wonder if the female is on the nest.  Today I have not seen them although them did get the salmon scraps I put out early this morning.  I miss our daily interactions and conversations- me talking and them making their little raven sounds when they are polite and their big ravens noises just because they can!  I am hoping for better weather soon.  Everything up here is soggy.  It is recharging the acquifer so I can't complain too much but oh I do lust for a sunny day with ravens flying and soaring in the air above.

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